Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eating disorder

My youngest daughter has been struggling with anorexia (eating disorder) since she was 11 years old. She was fist hospitalized for a month with a dangerously low weight at 12.

She is now 17 and we have finally found a place that we feel like is giving her the help she needs.

It has taken a drastic move on our part! The treatment center we have put her in, Center for Change, is located in Orem, Utah. I couldn't imagine sending her here by herself and wanted to be a part of her recovery. I also wanted to be here where there is substantial help after she is done with the program before taking her back to Houston.

So another daughter and I moved to Orem, Utah. We signed a lease on an apartment and started work.

Though we have had some stumbling blocks with the insurance, I have felt great confidence in being here and have had A LOT of support from family and friends!

Our family has been learning a lot about this condition and will share some of that with you. I think this is an issue that many face but few talk about it and feel very alone. For those, I want to say there is hope!

I encourage you to look at the Center for Change website and find out a little more about eating disorders. Another one I really feel like has good information is Rader Programs.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Sister Irving, thank you for sharing about Alison. We hope that she can get the best help for her and be able to get the help she needs to be happy and accept that she is beautiful both outside and in. I can't imagine what you are going through but wish you the peace as you overcome this together!
Paige (Buchanan) Sinclair