Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Block 7

Starting this week we will be meeting back at my house. We are on block #7. This is a review block week – either pick from these three that many showed interest in at the beginning or go over the list of the first 6 blocks and pick one you haven’t done the first time round.

While I have been gone, the quilting group kept meeting and got a lot accomplished. Teri opened her home for everyone to meet. Here are a few pictures of projects that have been worked on over the past 7 weeks.

(Above left) Lisa completed her first practice quilt on the long arm. - (Above center) Janice has completed her first full pieced quilt. She used the pattern "Sweet 16". - (Above right) Shauna almost has this rag quilt completed, she has been working on this with her daughters. What a fun project to work on with your girls.

(Below) Tori is making tshirt quilts for the 8 kids that have been playing Harp with her daughter that is graduating this year. It is a big undertaking! Here you can see that she is making some headway. Teri is helping her on the long arm.

Teri has been very busy with projects of her own.

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