Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Applique

All machine applique, this makes a great wall hanging or add to it for a full quilt. Teri completed this on her new embrodoriy machine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jolene, my name is Javier & I live in Irving. My mother passed in august of 2009 in Lubbock. Her house is still the way she left it. There are 7 of us. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. We like having her house for when we go visit we still smell her and feel her presence. We decided that we should begin to think of packing everything and getting rid of things. We couldn't figure out wha to do with her clothes. When my dad passed of an accident years ago, my mother got rid of his clothes and we regret now not having a piece of it to remember him with. So we decided with mothers clothes we would make quilts and we each get one. Only problem is no one knows how to sew. We are trying to find someone who could make us 7 or 8 blankets/quilts. My grandmother, her mother still lives and we'd like to give her one also. Is there anyway you could help or refer someone to make these for us? And if so, we'd like an estimate on how much they will charge us for 7or 8 of them or if you may know of someone who might can make these for us? I appreciate a response: